The third Executive meeting of the Municipal Government will be held in 2024

Issuing agency: government office Release time: 2024-03-20 13:03 Share to

On the morning of March 19th,Party Secretary and Mayor Lv Jiang presided over the third Executive meeting of the Municipal Government in 2024,传达学习习近平总书记近期重要讲话精神,Convey the spirit of the national two Sessions and the spirit of the province's leading cadres meeting,Study and implement the opinions;Listen to the report on the preparation of spring tillage production, the development of grain and soybean oil production, and the improvement of large-scale unit yield of major food crops,Make arrangements for the current priorities。

Li Zhongchen, Shi Chao, Sui Lidong, Liu Li, Du Meiling, Wang Xiangang, Shan Kui, Qiu Weili and others attended the meeting。
    Conference emphasis,全市上下要把学习贯彻习近平总书记在全国两会期间的重要讲话精神,同贯彻习近平总书记在东北座谈会重要讲话重要指示精神结合起来,Learn deeply and understand carefully,Closely related to the reality of Zhaodong,In-depth study and planning,Integrated implementation,Strive to achieve new results in high-quality development。We must pay close attention to implementation, implement the deployment requirements of the National Two sessions in a solid, down-to-earth, truth-oriented and pragmatic manner, and refine the key tasks into specific indicators, implementation methods and policy measures to ensure that the key work has achieved solid results。
    The meeting stressed that we should attach great importance to the current key work, boost the first-class status, always maintain a good state of mind, a high spirit of forging ahead, full of passion for doing things, continue to open up, move forward, promote efficiently, and pay close attention to implementation。It is necessary to strengthen first-class measures, closely adhere to the general requirements of "striving for the first place", further clarify work ideas, refine work measures, strengthen the idea of "a chess game", speak of unity, take into account the overall situation, leading cadres should go to the front line, drive a team, affect a person, motivate a group of people, and jointly complete the goal and task。It is necessary to temper the first-class style, continue to carry forward the "three dare spirit" of Zhaodong, be realistic and practical, and ensure that all key work is implemented and results are seen。
    The meeting stressed that a year's plan begins with spring。All townships and relevant departments should seize the early, optimize services, effectively and orderly carry out spring ploughing work, and earnestly implement the goals and tasks of grain production。It is necessary to strengthen the supervision of the agricultural materials market, severely crack down on all kinds of fake and shoddy agricultural materials such as "fake seeds", purify the agricultural materials market, and protect the legitimate rights and interests of farmers。In order to grasp the agricultural season, the agricultural department should organize relevant personnel to go into the front line of agricultural production, strengthen the technical guidance of agricultural technology and agricultural machinery, do a good job in relevant training and services, strengthen law enforcement inspection and supervision, and effectively help the masses to solve problems, and ensure high standards and high quality to promote the work of preparing for spring ploughing this year。
    The meeting also conveyed the Regulations on the supervision of Preventing and punishing statistical fraud and Fraud in Heilongjiang Province;Listened to the report on the farmland construction project in Zhaodong City;The Implementation Plan of the Three-year Action Plan for Accelerating the High-quality Development of Agricultural Product Processing Industry (2023-2025) and the Management Measures for the Responsibility System of "Three Guarantees in front of the Gate" of Zhaodong City (Discussion Draft) were discussed.。
    Before the meeting, the leading comrades at the meeting also conducted pre-meeting study law and seriously studied the "Regulations on Government Investment".。